How Does a Mother-Child Pallet Shuttle Give an Advantage in an Automated Storage Solution?


A Mother-Child pallet shuttle is an automated  storage and retrieval system. It consists of a more prominent “mother” shuttle that moves along the aisles and a smaller “child” shuttle that runs horizontally between storage racks to deposit or retrieve pallets. This technique improves storage density, operational efficiencies, and inventory management flexibility.=

How Does MultiPro Work at Addverb Technologies?

The Multi-Pro system increases warehouse automation by transferring pallet loads from vertical lifts to precise storage locations.

Once the pallets have been appropriately positioned, the Cruiser, a specialised shuttle, travels to the appropriate spot to perform storage chores such as placing the pallets in their designated slots in the racking system.

For retrieval activities, the Cruiser transports the pallet from its aisle storage location back to the Multi-Pro channel, where it is transferred to the vertical lift for further handling or outbound processing.

This integrated system enhances storage and retrieval methods, enhancing warehouse efficiency and accuracy.

Advantages of a Mother-Child Pallet Shuttle in Automated Storage

  1. Enhanced Storage Density: Ideal for increasing warehouse space utilisation and storage efficiency. It is ideal for firms that need to store many pallets of the same or different SKUs, allowing them to be stacked compactly and ordered.
  • Deep Lane Storage: The system supports deep lane storage, which means pallets can be placed in numerous locations deep in a single lane. This eliminates the need for multiple aisles, considerably boosting usable storage space.
  • Compact Arrangement: Pallets can be piled closer together horizontally and vertically. This compact arrangement best uses available warehouse height and floor area, allowing for increased storage density.
  1. Increased Operational Efficiency: The mother-child pallet shuttle automates storage and retrieval procedures, eliminating manual errors and increasing operational precision.

Furthermore, the technology optimises trip patterns and eliminates superfluous movements, which improves operational speed and efficiency.

Overall, the Mother-Child pallet shuttle system improves warehouse operations through automation and clever design.

  1. Reduced Labour Costs: Implementing a Mother-Child pallet shuttle system considerably lowers labour costs for automated storage solutions. By automating the storage and retrieval processes, manual effort is dramatically reduced. This reduction in labour requirements lowers staffing expenditures, including pay, benefits, and training.

Furthermore, automation reduces the risk of workplace injuries caused by manual handling, which leads to fewer compensation claims and cheaper insurance rates.

The system’s ability to function continuously without stops or shifts decreases the need for human labour, allowing businesses to reallocate resources to more critical tasks that require human intelligence and creativity.

  1. Seamless Integration with Warehouse Management Systems: A Mother-Child pallet shuttle system can easily connect with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), increasing warehouse operations’ efficiency and intelligence.

This interface enables real-time data transfer, resulting in accurate inventory tracking and order sequencing controls and automatically assigning storage locations and retrieval assignments to shuttles, optimising storage layouts.

This partnership between the shuttle system and the WMS enables dynamic slotting, in which inventory placements are routinely altered based on demand. Furthermore, the interface allows for automated replenishment, cycle counting, and real-time alerts for inventory irregularities or system issues.

It can also be used for warehouse sequencing, which entails organising and preparing products in a predetermined order for transportation or production. The pallet shuttle system allows for highly efficient organisation and sequencing of items.

  1. Higher Throughput Rates: The Mother-Child pallet shuttle system dramatically improves throughput in automated storage solutions. Its high-speed operation allows pallets to travel quickly through the storage lanes, significantly reducing storage and retrieval time.

The shuttles can operate concurrently in different aisles, enabling many transactions to take place at the same time and significantly increasing overall throughput.

This system also allows continuous operations, which implies that work can be done around the clock without interruptions or shift changes.

Furthermore, the ability to store and retrieve pallets deep within storage lanes without the need for forklifts lowers handling time and warehouse congestion.

  1. Efficiency in Cold Storage Facilities: The Mother-Child pallet shuttle system is especially useful in cold storage facilities, where space optimisation and energy efficiency are crucial.=

The system’s capacity to densely pack pallets minimises the air that must be cooled, resulting in significant energy savings. Furthermore, automation eliminates the need for human intervention in low-temperature areas, increasing safety and lowering labour costs.\

  • Multi-Pro can transport and store pallets in temperature-controlled locations, such as cold storage facilities, without subjecting them to temperature variations.
  1. Enhanced Order Sequencing: The Mother-Child pallet shuttle system transforms order sequencing and administration in warehouse environments. The shuttle system prioritises and sequences orders based on delivery deadlines, order size, and customer preferences using complex algorithms and real-time data from integrated Warehouse Management Systems.

This intelligent sequencing ensures that high-priority orders are handled first and that items are retrieved in the most efficient order for packing and delivery.

Furthermore, the system can respond dynamically to changes in order volume and priorities, ensuring operating efficiency during peak hours.

  1. Reduced Energy Consumption: One often underestimated benefit of the Mother-Child pallet shuttle system is its ability to drastically cut energy consumption in warehouse operations.

Unlike standard forklifts and other material handling equipment, which consume significant energy and produce heat, the Mother-Child shuttle system is more efficient and requires less power.

The shuttles are often powered by modern battery systems that may be optimised for energy efficiency. Their compact shape wastes less energy during movement and handling.

Wrapping Up

We hope the above-listed pointers gave you valuable insights into how a mother-child pallet shuttle works and gave various companies a competitive advantage in automated storage solutions. It is renowned for offering cold storage solutions,  optimising space utilisation, and enhancing operational efficiency. With its superior throughput and expansive storage density, it ensures you reduce manual errors and labour costs.

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