Discover the Art and Science Behind Nose Surgery

Discover the Art and Science Behind Nose Surgery

In recent years, cosmetic surgeries have become more popular, with nose surgery, also known as rhinoplasty, leading the charge. Whether for medical reasons or aesthetic enhancement, this procedure has captured the interest of many. With advances in medical technology and techniques, nose surgery (Aka Nasen OP) can significantly alter one’s appearance and boost self-confidence. This…

Orthodontics for Diastema: How Long Does Treatment Take in Indianapolis, IN

Orthodontics for Diastema: How Long Does Treatment Take in Indianapolis, IN

A diastema is a space or gap between two teeth and can be seen in children as well as adults, explains a dentist in Indianapolis, IN. Though it can occur between any two teeth, the spaces are most pronounced and problematic if they form in between your upper front teeth. A diastema may not be…